Thursday, May 5, 2016

Nash Equilibrium

Nash equilibrium- When a players of the game try to make the best possible decision they can according to the other person decision. And the other person’s decisions are based on the 1st players.

Game theory- a situation where a persons choice of action depends critically on the actions of the other participants

Prisoner dilemma- when two individuals act in their best interest to pursue a course of action which does not end out ideally for their course of action
I found out that after playing the game a few times that if you press cooperate the whole time you tie with the Serendip, and if you press compete the whole time you will win. Its hard to come up with a strategy to beat the Serendip by a landslide but, I believe that the strategy is once you play the first move the Serendip will acclimate with that move. Say you have pressed the cooperate button after you have pressed the compete button a few times. The Serendip will probably compete with the cooperate button at first, but then he will realize you cooperate then decide to cooperate as well.

Give an example of Game Theory/prisoner dilemma:

In history: John von Neumann in the 1920’s, they studied “zero sum” games and eventually won a 1994 Nobel Memorial Prize
In Government: The executive branch of the U.S. government engaged in international negotiations on trade or related matters can credibly take a firm stance by pointing out that the Congress would not ratify anything less.
In economics: enabled information economics to burgeon in the last twenty years is the parallel development of concepts and techniques
related to sociology: The case of the Afrikaners they chose to blame Africa for their problems and that did help them at all. If they accepted their problems then maybe they would get along africa
related to psychology: when you ask a person on a date, you want to use the best strategy you can to win the person over

In your everyday life: When two good tv shows are on and you have to choose whether or not to pick one according to whether or not its on again.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Will Welfare Corrupt the Poor?

The below chart is the reasons or data on the topic of “Will Welfare Corrupt the Poor?” I believe that welfare won’t corrupt the poor, but only to a certain degree. I think if you get enough welfare money to last you limited amount of time- enough time to find a job- then welfare is ok. But if people have to apply for welfare more than that then the government should find out why that person cannot find a job or why the job is not supporting enough. If they figure out that the job is not supportive enough, they can maybe decrease the amount of welfare given to ensure enough money to support the receiver and his/her family. On the other hand if their job supports them enough then they should just drop it no matter what the reason is. The same thing should happen if the receiver doesn’t find a job within the time frame and after a warning is given.
  •         Handouts will make people lazy                 
  •         Welfare can discourage employment
  •         They lost a commitment to the poor who face significant barriers to work, whether because of child care or mental disabilities.
  •         Welfare is a narcotic, subtle destroyer of the human spirit.

  •         In 2004 4 in 10 Americans had welfare
  •         More cash welfare early in a child’s life improves the child’s longevity, education attainment and nutritional statue, and income in adult hood.
  •         At least one type of unconditional cash assistance is used in 119 countries.
  •         They assessed the effects of seven cash-transfer programs in Mexico, Morocco, Honduras, Nicaragua, the Philippines and Indonesia.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

28th Amendment

I want to add another amendment to the Constitution. I would like to make it illegal for people to smoke in any public place. They should only be permitted to smoke on their own property and only with the permission of the owner, on another’s property. The think this amendment should be added because people have  Respiratory Illness and they suffer from respiratory illnesses such as asthma, which causes them to suffer when they are around cigarette smoke. Secondhand smoke from cigarettes causes lung cancer and diseases and I’m sure that people don’t want to get cancer so if this is added then this greatly reduces the risk of cancer and disease.

Thursday, October 1, 2015


19th amendment
-          This amendment was made to give women the right to vote.

-          It means a lot because now there are even more votes and even women representatives     today.
-      There are no recent events but this is the 95th anniversary this year

-          Ratified August 18, 1920

20th amendment
-         This amendment moved the beginning and ending of the terms of the President and Vice President from March 4 to January 20, and of members of Congress from March 4 to January 3.

-          It makes it easier for the government flow throughout the year.

-          Ratified January 23, 1933.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Afghanistan's Real Culture

How can people in Afghanistan accept that devastating part of their culture? Why don’t the mothers do something about it? If they are able to sexually abuse innocent children each day then they either have some pretty messed up people or they have a messed up government. I don’t understand why the U.S. cannot do anything to help the poor children who are sexually abused each day. 

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Ch. 1 & 2 Lord of the Flies Quiz

Dearest Aunt,
                I am stuck on this Island and you need to send help quick! The people here don’t like me. Ralph found me the other day while I was stuck in a tree. He is skinny and has fair skin. We found a conch like the one you have at your house. Ralph blew into it and some others came. Their names are Simon and Jack. Simon has already fainted and Jack made the fire. We have formed into 2 groups the fire group and the water group. We chose them buy this thing we played. There are these things call Beasties and they are long snake things that turn into vines during the day but come alive at night. And there’s another thing called the beast that we are all afraid of and no one knows what it looks like and apparently everyone has it. I miss you and my asthma is getting worse.


Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Macrosociology vs. Microsociology

In macrosociology people look at the bigger picture and how groups interact with each other whereas microsociology is when people look at how individual people interact with each other. The macrosociology in my life is how our football team will win against other teams and the microsociology is how the players will tackle, guard, and interact with one another.